
Principal Investigator

Ph.D. in Medicine Research

Dra. Rosa Villa Sanz is a permanent member of CSICs scientific staff since 1992. Currently she leads the Biomedical Application’s Group of the IMB-CNM and the GBIO group of the CIBER-BBN, which main research interests are the design and fabrication of Micro and Nano Systems for Biomedical Applications.

Permanent Researchers

Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Natalia Abramova is a CSIC researcher since 1998. Her scientific interests are research, development, and analytical applications of microelectronic chemical sensors.

Ph.D. in Chemistry

Dr. Andrey Bratov is a CSIC senior researcher since 1995. His main research activities are concentrated on the application of microelectronic technology to chemical and biochemical sensors development.

Ph.D. in Materials Science

Dr. Gemma Gabriel is a researcher (permanent staff of CSIC) of the IMB-CNM since 2010. His research line is focused on the use of Inkjet Printing technologies to build multisensing platforms in felxible devices for biomedical applications.

Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering

Dr. Anton Guimerà is a staff researcher of the IMB-CNM. His research interest fields are the design of electronic systems for biomedical applications, the study of the passive electrical properties of biological tissues and the modelling of the electrode-electrolyte double for bio-sensing applications.

Ph.D. in Physics

Dr. Xavi Illa is a permanent post-doc researcher contracted by the CIBER-BBN.  His research is focused on the design and fabrication of Micro and Nano Systems for Biomedical Applications.

Ph.D. in Chemistry

Dra. Elisabet Prats Alfonso is  a post-doc member of Biomedical Application’s Group (now via CIBER) since 2011. Her main research interests are the design and fabrication of Micro and Nano Systems for biosensing applications.

Postdoc Researchers

Ph.D. in Biotechnology


PhD in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering


PhD in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

Ph.D. in Medicine and Translational Research


Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies


PhD Students

M.Sc. in Nanomaterials and Nanophysics

M.Sc. in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

M.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering

Technical Staff

M.Sc. in Electrochemistry

M.Sc. in Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation

MSc in Biomedical Engineering

Undergraduate Students

Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design Master student

Advanced Materials and Engineering Master student

Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Master student

Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design Master student