Ph.D. in Medicine Research
Dra. Rosa Villa Sanz is a permanent member of CSICs scientific staff since 1992. Currently she leads the Biomedical Application’s Group of the IMB-CNM and the GBIO group of the CIBER-BBN, which main research interests are the design and fabrication of Micro and Nano Systems for Biomedical Applications.
Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering
Dr. Anton Guimerà is a staff researcher of the IMB-CNM. His research interest fields are the design of electronic systems for biomedical applications, the study of the passive electrical properties of biological tissues and the modelling of the electrode-electrolyte double for bio-sensing applications.
Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design Master student
Advanced Materials and Engineering Master student
Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Master student
Semiconductor Engineering and Microelectronic Design Master student