Advanced Neurotechnology
Biosensing Devices
Skin Electronics
Denise Marrero succesfully defended her PhD thesis.
Elisabet Prats heads the Chemistry section of the television program Órbita Laika
A European project participated by GAB researchers wants to advance precise spatiotemporal control of brain activity for therapeutic purposes
Elisabet Prats interviewed by Nanbiosis on behalf of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Groundbreaking neurotechnology: Innovative graphene-based implantable technology paves the way for high-precision therapeutic applications
The IMB-CNM creates the first guide for the sustainable design and manufacture of printed electronic devices
Graphene and microelectronics to decipher the unfathomable of neuronal diseases
A new project to develop multimodal graphene based neural interfaces for revealing wide bandwidth brain activity
NANBIOSIS renews its accreditation as Unique Science and Technology Infrastructure (ICTS)
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics signs an agreement to develop neurotechnology patented by GAB researchers
New graphene-based neural probes improve detection of epileptic brain signals
Dr. Miguel Zea is the new graduate form the lab. Congratulations!
Congratulations Dr. Eduard Masvidal, new GAB graduate!
New organ-on-chip models provide new information for targeted treatments in personalised medicine
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics raises over €14M to develop smart graphene-based neural implants for personalised therapies
Premios Yo Investigo. Yo Soy CSIC. Vota los videos de Denise Marreo y Miguel Zea
Unlocking the brain with novel graphene technology
New microsensor for characterizing biofilms
Rosa Villa, nueva jefa de grupo del CIBER-BBN
Anton Guimerà, candidato en los premios “Vanguardia de la Ciencia”
Graphene-based implant overcomes technical limitation to record brain activity at extremely low frequencies
Scientists emulate the human blood–retinal barrier on a microfluidic chip
El Liver on a Chip guardonat com una de les Millors Idees del 2016 pel Diario Médico
La UAB concedeix el Premi extraordinari de doctorat a l’Anton Guimerà
Eli Prats introducing graphene at Amposta TEDx Talk
New Graphene Flagship work package devoted to Biomedical Technologies was launched in Barcelona
Graphene sensors interacting with the brain at the Mobile World Congress
Liver on a Chip, 2n premi al 2n Concurs d’Innovació en Salut del VHIR
1st Joint Meeting between GAB and IDIBAPS (Dr Peralta & Dr Gracia-Sancho labs)
Un projecte participat pel GAB, finalista del 2n concurs d’innovació en Salut
Organ on a chip for biomedical experimentation
Organ on a chip for biomedical experimentation
El GAB se incorpora al GRAPHENE Flagship a través del proyecto Neurographene
El grafè arriba al metro gràcies a l’Eli Prats
Microagujas que miden la actividad de las neuronas y depositan fármacos en el cerebro
GAB poster awarded at the 7th Annual Concertation and Consultation Workshop on Micro-Nano-Bio Convergence Systems, MNBS 2013
Eli Prats semifinalista del concurs de monòlegs de ciència FameLab